Jan 1, 2009

"The Big Horn" Crow Indian Reservation Montana

Here are some pictures from a couple years back on the Bighorn. The guy in the Orange shirt
was our guide Truie Brobston. I was amazed at the average size of the fish on this river. The Picture of the Brown I'm holding, and Truie is holding is the same fish. Truie obviously did a better job of posing it. This was from a trip in June, and at the end of the season Truie said that was one of the 4 biggest fish he boated of the year. Probably around 6#'s. It was the only day fished out there because it was a work trip. My Friend, and Co-worker who lives in Billings, MT went as well. I have been giving him a hard time ever since even self dubbing myself "The Legend of Montana". The river was pushing over 7000 CFS, so the fishing was tough in the lower river. San Juan Worms, and Scuds were the only two flies we fished. It was also the first time I ever fished with a water balloon for a strike indicator. I have done this countless times since then, and think it has some great advantages over the conventional Yarns & Floatant.

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